Jim Hess

Jim Hess has been owner and publisher of the Morgan County Business Leader since 2011 and owner and publisher of the Town Planner Community Calendar since 2008. In both businesses Jim aspires to connect, promote and support the local small business community. As a successful small business owner himself, he knows the challenges entrepreneurs face, the thrill of achievements reached, and the appreciation felt for support and encouragement. That understanding, along with his mission of building relationships, is reflected in the purpose and pages of his publications. Jim’s success began when he graduated from Olivet Nazarene University and embarked on a career with Northwest Airlines. While there, he received numerous awards for his work including the 2003 President’s Award for Employee Support and Inspiration. Several years later, he accepted a position in the manufacturing industry where he was tasked to manage corporate relationships with many different entities ranging from the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce and Indianapolis Downtown, Inc. to employee relations. Jim continually strives to contribute to the business community through his participation in civic organizations such as the Mooresville Chamber of Commerce where he has served as both vice president and president. Jim can be reached at jim@morgancountybusinessleader.com.

Elaine Whitesides

Elaine Whitesides brings a unique perspective to her position as writer for the Morgan County Business Leader. With an extensive background in real estate finance and the restaurant industries, she understands the corporate and business perspective of small business owners and entrepreneurs. As an elementary school educator, she has the skills to take the complex and make it simple and clear. As a writer, she loves nothing more than to tie all the information about an enterprise up into a story that reflects not only the business, but the business owner as well. Elaine held management positions for First Financial Savings and Loan and Inland Mortgage Corporation, a division of Inland Real Estate, before obtaining her teaching credentials. She has a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction, both from National Louis University. After leaving the education field in 2003, Elaine pursued her interest in writing. It evolved into a business, Whitesides Words, LLC, which she has owned and operated since 2009.

Blue Ribbon Committee Creates Blueprint for Economic Growth

Blue Ribbon Committee Creates Blueprint for Economic Growth

At a small reception in Bradford Woods, a gathering of business, civic, political and education leaders heard the results of several months of work and study, as the results of the Blue Ribbon Committee were shared. The Blue Ribbon Committee, formed in January, represents a group of local leaders and leaders from outside Morgan County – all of whom either live or work in Morgan County – charged with the responsibility to explore how Morgan County can realize stronger growth.

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Retiring Banker Leaves a Legacy of Community Service

Retiring Banker Leaves a Legacy of Community Service

Sharon Duram is retiring, concluding 47 years in banking, customer service, and community leadership. She ends on a high note: nine years as Bank Manager of the First Merchants Bank in Mooresville with six grandchildren, a retired husband, and a brother and sister who reside locally, Sharon has made the decision to spend more time with her family.

She admits the decision is bittersweet, and without a doubt the local community will miss her as much as she will miss them. Sharon’s contributions to Morgan County include serving…

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You’re Very Welcome

You’re Very Welcome

Mooresville Library Director Diane Huerkamp remembers her visits as a little girl to her local library in Irvington, Indiana, on the east side of Indianapolis. “I remember the excitement of opening those glass doors and entering another world where my imagination could take me anywhere. I remember a distinctive aroma only those who have read books mere inches from their noses can understand.”

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New Leader at the Helm

New Leader at the Helm

At a time when his peers were dreaming of donning the uniform of a policeman, fireman or astronaut, Doug Puckett, the new president and CEO of IU Health Morgan Hospital, had his eye on another uniform – the businessman’s suit and tie. As a boy, he liked the idea of carrying a briefcase every day. The allure of becoming a businessman never waned and when it came time to choose a career path and college courses, he narrowed his focus. “

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